Monday, August 31, 2015


Hello from Austin, dear readers! 

I'm one week into my life here, officially, after being asked in July to come back to be the afternoon nanny for a Wellesley family and also being offered to join the teaching faculty of a wonderful community music school here. 

"Miss Lucy", as I'm referred to in these parts, is my new alias as I flit from music studio to classroom and from after-school pick-up to the playground. Days here are full of sweet children playing whimsical music and teaching me their games, and nights are mixtures of more music outdoors with friends and adventures into the various nooks and corners and taco joints of a city I am quickly embracing as my own. Each night as I drive home just north of the city proper, I put down the top of Goldie Hawn, my convertible and friend, and inhale the warm, Texan summer air. The freshness is tinged with the aromas of highway construction, far from pleasant, but striking to me, as I too am building something exciting and new of my own here. (End metaphorical tangent) 

The musical friends I've made here in just the short summer are so inspiring to me. I've decided to try to write a new song each week to perform at the Monday night outdoor open mic we like best, and I'll put the lyrics and maybe some videos here as the weeks go by. 

I got a bit homesick for all of my faraway friends and family a few nights ago and started writing a song about pie... And then made cookies instead of finishing the song. Maybe tonight I'll think of a fitting tune. 

peace & love 

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