It dawned on me earlier today, in the midst of a conversation with a co-worker about my travel plans, that I ever never swum in any of the Great Lakes.
For any other New Englander, this would be normal. No big deal. The United States is a big place, and the Great Lakes are pretty cold if you're looking for places to swim. But --- I've spent part of every summer since the age of 3 months old going to Michigan and driving right by some of these lakes.
The not-as-great-but-still-super-swell lake that would be my destination was always too sparkly and wonderful and enticing to permit any ideas of visiting other lakes, once I finished the 16-19 hour drive to get myself there. Once I did the drive with a puppy, without stopping. That's dedication.
But, this summer is different.
This summer, I'll have just turned 25. I'll have resigned from my first *big-girl* job (yes, this is official, public information, not to worry, dear readers) and this summer, I'll be a moving target, waiting to hear and figure out where I'll end up come autumn leaves-time.
The actual physical journey-route I'll take to get to the cottage this year is still to-be-determined. As my course redirects to possibly include a trip to Colorado to take part in what sounds like an epic combination of music and neurological discovery (check out
more details here) I'm toying with the idea of a little road trip. If that were to happen, I guess, I might just have to stop in all of the Great Lakes along the way. Take a small dip.
25 is a great age to turn. Why not start the year off right, with a little baptism by road-trip, and insanely cold, clear water?